SmartFit Gym empowers each client to be fit and healthy through education and personalized training so they can live life to their fullest!

"You can start getting stronger NOW!"


Be more active
Live independently
Burn more calories
Have fun in your garden
Enjoy your walk at the lake
Improve your game
Recover quicker from illness or surgery
Have fun with your kids or grand kids
Feel more confident!



Meet Diane Giermek

Trainer & Specialist

I’ve always enjoyed being physically active. I went into the Army after high school and loved the experience of becoming strong. That desire to be strong and fit stuck with me my whole life, and when I was 51 registered for the Lake Logan Sprint Triathlon. I enjoy running 5K-Half marathons, and strength training has greatly improved my ability to continue to be active - but I also know we need to be more than just strong. I’ve dealt with injuries over the years… it can be frustrating and humbling. With every recovery, I learn more about how our bodies work and what they need. I’ve come to appreciate the importance of recovery work… taking care of the body after pushing its limits. Understanding the importance of proper nutrition, hydration and mobility work are tools I’ve incorporated in my own personal training and always bring to my clients.

Range of Motion Biofeedback testing to ensure the workout is challenging, but not overworking you

Functional movement exercises

Proper form and technique

With my own personal experience and training, we will work together to create a fitness program tailored to your body, capabilities and personal goals!


  • Certified Personal Trainer
  • Corrective Exercise Specialist: To help clients improve muscle imbalance and movement efficiency to decrease risk or recover from injury.
  • Fitness Nutrition Specialist: Educate clients about nutrition's critical role in weight loss and how food choices impact fitness goals.

Yoga Tune Up Fitness

  • Treat While You Train: Help clients relieve chronic pain and restore healthy joint positions for improved posture-regardless of age or fitness level.

Mobility / WOD

  • Movement and Mobility Specialist
  • Functional Training for Adaptive Athletes: Has given me the tools to work with clients that are in wheel chairs, have limb impairments (with or without prosthetic), TBI, or other Invisible Wounds.



The National Academy of Sports Medicine is an American fitness certification, educating and training fitness professionals with the most respected solutions to set them apart as leaders in the industry.

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Tune up Fitness

Tune Up Fitness Worldwide is a health and wellness company that offers products and embodied education focused on helping people alleviate physical pain and stress, improve athletic performance and move better in their body.


Mobility/ WOD

MobilityWOD is the ultimate guide to resolving pain, preventing injury, and optimizing athletic performance. MobilityWOD is designed to help you hack your body's mechanics and provide the tools to perform basic maintenance on yourself.